Peach Fuzz
October 5, 2018
After school this past Wednesday, students gathered in the large gym for Legacy’s Homecoming Peach Fuzz. Three volleyball courts were set up for a friendly competition that involved seven teams. Whichever team that reached 21 points before their opponent moved on.
Non-player students stood on the sidelines while volunteer refs stood guard by the nets, calling plays. The atmosphere became feverish as the first volleyballs where served.
The games soon grew intense, with sliding saves and surprise spikes. With the way the tournament was set, a team was out of the tournament as soon as they lost a game. But school spirit didn’t stop there: teams that lost still got to play other teams.
In the last game, the Pass it to the Italians took on the Wasians. The game was full of impressive tricks, and a circle of cheering students soon formed around the middle court. Tensions grew high as each team scored a point and every player gave their all.

In the end, the Wasians (pictured above) won, 21 to 16.
Overall, Peach Fuzz was an exciting student event. Players and spectators both enjoyed the games—even if the gym started to get a little smelly. Hopefully, we will see you there next year!
Top photo: The Wasians won this year. The team included, left to right, Joe Southern, Jerry Thao, Chris Vang, Austin Yang, and Suyeng Vue.