Walking the halls of Legacy High School, I’ve heard many complain about how early the school day starts. In fact, I myself have been one of these complainers. However, waking up early does come with its advantages, including being up early enough to watch the sunrise.
The sunrise, with its beautiful hues of pink and gold, can brighten anyone’s day. Whether they’re watching it out their window as they eat breakfast or while riding the bus, the sunrise is a serene sight that provides anyone watching with a little more beauty in their life.
What’s more, not only does the sunrise provide beauty, but the simple act of perceiving and appreciating this beauty gives one a way to connect with nature.
Studies have shown that having a connection with nature can lower levels of depression and anxiety. Furthermore, it can bring about feelings of joy, calm, and creativity. Plus, a connection to nature has even been seen to promote concentration.
With school bringing about many stressors, sometimes it’s hard to remember to enjoy the little things in life. However, learning to savor moments of beauty such as the sunrise can help boost one’s mental health and happiness.
So, although waking up in the morning can be a struggle and turn into a battle of snooze alarm after snooze alarm, looking out your window to enjoy the sunrise can prepare you for the day ahead.