In early 2022, a new game took the internet by storm. In less than 3 months, Wordle had obtained over 2 million daily players. The game’s concept is simple: guess a 5-letter word in 6 tries with color-coded feedback.
Now, almost 2 years later, Wordle has lost much of its charm. However, Wordle inspired many guess-based games all over the internet. Here are 7 Wordle-like games I recommend:
School-blocked games are marked by *

Globle *
Globle tests your knowledge on countries around the world. Guess a country and it will appear highlighted on a 3D globe. The color of the country shows how close you are to the answer. White or light yellow for very far off, orange for close, dark red for very close, and green for the correct guess. In cases where it can be hard to tell which country is the closest, Globle also provides a list of which country is closest to the answer. Refreshes at midnight local time.

Metaflora *
Metaflora’s objective is to discover the day’s mystery plant based on its relation with your guess. Great for those who know (or want to know) a LOT about the ancestral hierarchy of plants.
Starting with the base species family, your guesses will narrow down the answer by taxonomic rank. Although a definition of the category is given, I would recommend having google pulled up in another tab. Your guesses create a family tree. Additionally, these are color coded. The more green that the guess appears the closer you are to the answer.
Stuck? Metaflora provides a dropdown menu full of possible guesses as well as a hint feature. In exchange for 3 guesses, one further classification is revealed. Refreshes at 5pm local time.

Metazooa *
Metazooa meanwhile, is about guessing the mystery animal. I would say that Metazooa can be much harder than Metaflora so it’s great for a challenge. Especially if it’s a bird. There are a lot of birds in the world. Refreshes at 5pm local time.

New York Times’ Spelling Bee
Unlike other games on this list, the NYT’s Spelling Bee is not Wordle-inspired. Spelling Bee is a twist on a common word game: , anagrams. Anagrams is a game where you’re given a group of letters, typically 5-10, and you try to create as many unique words as you can using only the given letters. Spelling Bee takes a normal game of anagrams and adds a challenge—you have to use the center letter. Refreshes at midnight local time.

New York Times’ Letter Boxed
Letter Boxed, like the name implies, is based around a box with three letters on each side. The goal is to use all letters present in a set number of words without using two letters on the same side in a row. This can be especially difficult when given letters like “E” and “X” on the same side. Refreshes at midnight local time.

Colorfle *
Colorfle is both a fun game and a great way to practice color theory. Colorfle gives the player a set of colors to use and asks them to match a given color. Test if you can figure out what colors are combined and in what measures. Refreshes at 5pm local time.

Duotrigordle *
To finish off the list, we have a game that is very similar to Wordle. Iwsn fact Duotrigordle is just Wordle multiplied by 32. That’s a lot. With a whole 37 guesses, Duotrigordle’s goal is to get all the words. When you enter one 5 letter word it puts it into ALL individual Wordles, then it functions as normal. Refreshes at midnight local time.