The Last Guardian

February 15, 2022
The Last Guardian
The Last Guardian is a video game made by Team Ico in 2016. The game follows a young boy who befriends a large half-bird, half-mammal animal named Trico. The duo must navigate ruins in order to escape.
This game has a special place in my heart. It is my favorite, after all, I absolutely adore the different areas you explore. The atmosphere of every area is very creepy and lends to the story really well. I also love how dynamic Trico is. Just like a real pet, it takes a few commands before they actually perform a task. They feel like an actual companion instead of another game item that you have to manage. Trico is also very adorable so that’s another bonus. The only gripe I have with this game is that it is very hard to judge distances when you have to jump across gaps due to the way the camera interacts with the environment (I died so many times to this).
Overall, The Last Guardian is a game about finding companionship in the most unlikely of places and doing the best to not get eaten.